LLNL Memorial Day Ceremony

mployees quietly gathered at the Veterans Rose Garden Thursday for a special Memorial Day ceremony organized and sponsored by the Veterans in Energy, Technology and Science (VETS) organization.

"As a veteran of the United States Air Force, it is an honor and privilege to be here with you today to honor the brave men and women who have died in service to our country," said Michelle Morris, VETS outreach officer. “Here at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory we take great pride in what we do and the service we provide to our country, and in many cases the support and protection that we provide to the warfighter.”

The ceremony kicked-off with a rendition of "Going Home" and "Amazing Grace" via bagpipes by John Nolan, Protective Force Division (PFD) officer. An honor guard presentation followed courtesy of veterans Conrad Gray (Army), Carlton Bowen (Army) and Michael Jayne (Marine Corps) from LLNL’s PFD. Midshipman Nathan Lee sang the national anthem.

Captain Bradley Rinker of the United States Army and senior radiographer in the Weapons Complex Integration (WCI) directorate at Site 300, provided his perspective of Memorial Day as the guest speaker.

“It is said that each of us dies two deaths,” said Rinker. “The first when breath leaves us for the last time and the second the last time someone speaks our name or tells our story. It is vital that we safeguard the legacies of our service members, so they continue to live on. It is also essential that we preserve our history, sharing it with future generations, so we remain strong as a nation and never forget their sacrifices, to ensure our liberties.”

Rinker closed the ceremony with the following request to employees. “Before I leave you here today, I am going to encourage you to do two things. First, take Memorial Day beyond this event and a day off work. Honor and remember our heroes every day and encourage others to do the same. Secondly, do something physical and exert yourself. Get out of your comfort zone in the name of the 1.3 million heroes who have given their life for this country.”

The VETS coordinate this special ceremony each year so that employees may join together as a community to remember the sacrifice of those that have fallen in service. To honor them and their commitment and keep them in our memories.

Carrie Martin